Shani’s sade sati | Effects, calulcator & solutions

Shani’s sade sati | Effects, calulcator & solutions | Devdham Yatra

What is Shani sade sati?

The 71/2 years-long period of Shani is called sade sati. In India its the most feared astromancy phase for people who faithfully believe in Indian astrology. This phase will summons to contest, yet will bring a great sense of attainment.


Sade Sati is a duration of seven and a half years in an individual’s life which comrades hardships and straits, it is divided into three phases Rising, Peak, and Setting, the impact varies per the present phase. It starts with the access of Saturn(Shani) planet in your zodiac sign before your moon sign i.e janma Rashi, It ends with the departure of sade sati from your zodiac sign closely followed by the moon sign. The Sade sati takes about two and a half years to convey each of the zodiac signs, hence takes a sum of seven and a half years to exit the 3rd zodiac sign.

Three cycles of sade sati

1. The first cycle

The Saturn conveyance to the 12th house from the moon for approximately two and a half years which leads to family quarrels, downfall in business or job

2. The second cycle

Saturn enters the 1st house affecting his mental and physical health, relationships, financial crisis, and career.

3. The third cycle

The planet Saturn transits to the 2nd house from the moon, this period of time is the most painful time for someone leading to less saving and more expenditure, poor health and wealth, stress and worry occurs, can strain your relationship with your partner, or it might leads to parting the ways

Effects of Sade Sati

1. Obstacles

One will face difficulties during working, the pathway will be full of hurdles. Be determined and focused on your work, you got this!

2. Financial Crisis

With the sudden loss of financial assets, your business will have trouble in the end meets.

3.Tension & Stress

Mental health will deteriorate, and problems like depression and anxiety will follow up.

4. Relationships Problems

You start getting detached from your family members and loved ones, quarrels and misunderstanding becomes a huge part of your life

Sometimes it gets a lot to tackle with Shani phases, here are some remedies to relieve you from this negative Spiral


5 most effectful solutions for removing Shani sade sati

1. Chanting of Mantras

The effects of the sade sati can be reduced by the recital of Hanuman Chalisa, Shani mantra, Mritunjaya path, fasting on Tuesdays, and offering prayers to Lord Hanuman.

2. Gemstones

Neelam, Blue topaz, and amethyst are some useful stones also Shanti yantra are very beneficial 3 to lessen the impact of Shani dosha.

3. Offering and donations to needy people

Making donations, offering food and necessary stuff like clothes, blankets, money  poor and needy people with a sense of complete satisfaction instead of an ulterior motive can be very curative

4. A black horseshoe

Placing a black horseshoe near the entrance of your house is said to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the effects also wearing a black shoe horse ring on your middle finger helps.

5. Wear black clothes

Wearing black on Saturdays is a must, try avoiding buying any leather stuff, or clothes on Saturday.

You have to leave your comfort zone and lead a disciplined life in order to make Shani dev happy and attain your manifested goals.

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