Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance & journey

Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance

About Geyzing (Gyalshing) to Kedarnath distance:

Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance is 1818 km. Gyalshing and Kedarnath are quite far apart and require multiple modes of transportation due to distance and terrain. Kedarnath is a famed Hindu pilgrimage place in the Rudraprayag region of Uttarakhand, while Gyalshing is a town in the West Sikkim district of Sikkim.

About Gyalshing (Sikkim):

In the Indian state of Sikkim, the town of Gyalshing lies in the West Sikkim district. The town is surrounded by the magnificent Himalayan mountains, adding to its charm. The town of Geyzing serves as the administrative headquarters for West Sikkim district. Gyalshing is renowned for its natural beauty, with its verdant green surroundings, picturesque views, and comfortable climate. The town is surrounded by terraced fields, woodlands, and monasteries that reflect the area’s rich religious and cultural heritage.. Tourists who want to experience the serene beauty of the Himalayas and learn about the local culture frequently travel there.


About Kedarnath (Uttarakhand):

Hindu pilgrimage center Kedarnath is situated in the Rudraprayag district of the Indian state of Uttarakhand. Kedarnath, which is located in the heart of the magnificent Himalayan range, is well known for its historic Lord Shiva temple. Due to severe weather, the Kedarnath Temple is only accessible to pilgrims during specific months of the year. It usually starts operating in late April or early May and ends in late October or early November.

Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance:

Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance is:

Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance

Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance by road        1818 km
Gyalshing to Kedarnath  distance by train         1658km
Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance by air         1237km     
Nearest Gyalshing bus stand Gyalshing forest block bus stop
Nearest Gyalshing railway station New Jalpaiguri
Nearest Gyalshing airport Bagdogra Airport
Nearest Kedarnath bus stand Gauri Kund
Nearest Kedarnath railway station Haridwar/Rishikesh
Nearest Kedarnath airport Jolly Grand (Dehredun)

Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance by road :

Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance by road is 1818 km. The route crosses several different states and landscapes. Here is a general path you could follow:

Gyalshing to Siliguri/Bagdogra: From Gyalshing, make your way to one of these important West Bengal transportation hubs: Siliguri or Bagdogra. Gyalshing and Siliguri/Bagdogra are separated by around 150 to 200 kilometers, and a road trip there can take anything from 4 to 6 hours.

Siliguri/Bagdogra to Rishikesh/Haridwar: Travel to Haridwar or Rishikesh in Uttarakhand from Siliguri or Bagdogra. Given the rugged terrain and poor road conditions, this is a lengthy trip of roughly 600 to 700 kilometers that could take 12 to 15 hours.

From Rishikesh or Haridwar, you must go to Gaurikund, which serves as the starting point for the climb to Kedarnath. Due to the road ascent into the Himalayas, the trip may take 8 to 10 hours and is roughly 200 to 220 kilometers long.

From Gaurikund to Kedarnath, the journey’s last stage requires a hike. This walk, which is between 16 and 18 kilometers long, passes through beautiful scenery and difficult terrain. It’s best to leave early in the morning to be in Kedarnath by dusk.

Siliguri to Delhi
S.No. Bus Arrival Departure Fare
1. JGD Travels Pvt Ltd. 08:00 pm 07:00 am  ₹3000
2. JGD Travels Pvt Ltd. 09:00 pm 08:00 am  ₹3500


Delhi to Haridwar
S.No Bus Arrival Departure Fare
1. Shree Hare Rama Travels 11:48 pm 04:55 pm ₹299
2. India Tours & Travels 11:00 pm 05:45 pm ₹192
3. Laxmi holidays 10:10 pm 03:30 am ₹380

Gyalshing to kedarnath by train :

Gyalshing and Kedarnath cannot be reached by train in a direct manner. Kedarnath is inaccessible by train due to the lack of a railway station and the area’s challenging mountainous terrain. The nearest railway station to Gyalshing is New Jalpaiguri.

New Jalpaiguri to Delhi: There are numerous trains that run between New Jalpaiguri and Delhi, including popular trains like the Rajdhani Express, Duronto Express, and other fast and express trains.

New jalpaiguri to Delhi
S.No. Train Duration  Fare
1. Rajdhani Express (12423) 21hrs05min 3A- ₹3240

2A- ₹4385

1A- ₹5485

2. Sikkimmahananda (15483) 30hrs55min SL- ₹625

3A- ₹1670

2A- ₹2415

1A- ₹4105

3. Brahmaputra Express (15658) 29hrs40min SL- ₹660

3A- ₹1760

2A- ₹2550

1A- ₹4335


Delhi to Haridwar
S.No. Train Arrival Duration  Fare
1. Vande Bharat Exp (22457) 05:55 pm 09:15 pm CC- ₹975

EC- ₹1705

2. Ddn Shtbdi Exp (12017) 06:45 am 11:33 am CC- ₹815

EC- ₹1275

3. Bdts Hw Exp (19019) 02:45 am 07:45 am SL- ₹185

3A- ₹505

2A- ₹710

1A- ₹1175


Gyalshing to kedarnath distance by air :

Kedarnath is a remote, high-altitude Himalayan setting, and it lacks a conventional airport, therefore there are no direct commercial flights from Gyalshing to Kedarnath. The Jolly Grant Airport (Dehradun Airport) is the closest airport to Kedarnath and is located in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. Gyalshing to kedarnath distance is 1237 km.

Bagdogra to Jolly Grand
S.No Flight Duration Fare
1. Spice jet 06hrs 05min (1 stop New Delhi) ₹9339
2. Indigo 04hrs 55min(1stop -New Delhi) ₹8744
3. Air Asia 05hrs 40min (1stop- New Delhi) ₹9322
Gyalshing to Kedarnath
Gyalshing to kedarnath distance

Whether in kedarnath (Uttarakhand):

You would need to combine road and trekking routes if you wanted to get to Kedarnath. The Kedarnath temple is roughly 16–18 kilometers from these base points, so you would need to drive to Gaurikund or Sonprayag and then hike there. Please be aware that conditions and amenities might have changed since my last update, therefore I advise confirming the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding travel to Kedarnath with local travel authorities.

Travel tip from Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance:

  1. The trip to Kedarnath is mentally and physically taxing. The Kedarnath hike begins at Gauri Kund and lasts for about 16 kilometers. After the first 5–6 km, the walk is all uphill, so the difficulty rises.
  2. To avoid the glaring midday sun, begin your trip early in the morning.
  3. Comply with local laws, customs, and traditions. Pay attention to the instructions of local officials and hiking guides for a courteous and secure journey.
  4. From Gyalshing, begin your road trip to Dehradun. Either a private vehicle rental or a bus are options. Go by road from Dehradun to Gaurikund or Sonprayag. For this portion of the journey, make arrangements for taxis or local transportation.
  5. Don’t lose track of emergency phone numbers. Be aware of the local emergency services and medical facilities.

Gyalshing to kedarnath distance F&Q:

Q1.What is the distance from Gyalshing to Kedarnath?

A1. Gyalshing to kedarnath distance is 1818km.

Q2. Is there an airport in Kedarnath?

A2. No, there is no airport in kedarnath.

Q3. How do I reach Kedarnath from Gyalshing?

A3. Gyalshing to Kedarnath distance is 1818km. You must take a vehicle trip from Gyalshing to Dehradun before continuing to Gaurikund or Sonprayag, the starting places for your climb to Kedarnath. The journey’s last section involves a hike to Kedarnath.

Q4. How long is the trek from Gaurikund/Sonprayag to Kedarnath?

A4. Depending on your pace and the weather, the journey from Gaurikund or Sonprayag to Kedarnath is about 16–18 kilometers long and often takes 6–8 hours to accomplish.

Q5. Can I drive directly to Kedarnath?

A5. You cannot drive straight to Kedarnath, sorry. Gaurikund is the last motorable point. From there, you must walk the trekking trail in order to go to Kedarnath.

Q6. What is the best time to visit Kedarnath?

A6. The pilgrimage season, which normally begins in late April or early May and lasts until October, is the ideal time to visit Kedarnath. During these months, the weather is more pleasant and the walking trail is open.


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