Udhampur to Kedarnath Distance & Journey- Complete Guide

Udhampur to Kedarnath Distance

Udhampur to Kedarnath distance by Road is 962km and the duration of the Flight is 6h 31min. To get to Kedarnath from Udhampur, this is a great choice. This also saves time, making the experience even more enjoyable. Do you realize that this event’s registration would have started long ago? Hence your punctuality was completely pointless? Indeed; you have the option of offline or online registration. But, if you wish to go on a trek, you need to register online so that you can leave on your journey at the right momentHere on devdhamyatra.com, we will give you all the information you need, from travel tours to lodging, cuisine, medical services, trekking, and other activities. So, you can grant darshan to Lord Shiva in the temple and help to speed up your achievement on your trip while making it fruitful for you.

About Kedarnath Temple (Uttarakhand)

Kedarnath Dham is the birthplace of five rivers, along with the Madhuganga, Jhilganga, Swarangauri, Swarswati, and Mandakini, all of which aided Alaknanda. According to the Puranas, the Pandavas initially constructed the temple behind the current temple, but this temple vanished over time. Adi Shankaracharya later developed the temple in 476 AD in 508 B.C. It is believed that- A visit to Kedarnath is required once in a person’s lifetime, and those who do so are thought to receive salvation for themselves and their ancestors. Udhampur to Kedarnath distance is 962 kilometers by road.

About Udhampur (Jammu & Kashmir)

The city of the Indian Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir is Udhampur. Raja Udham Singh created the organization. Both the district capital and the Indian Army’s Northern Command headquarters are located there. Due to its proximity to the Pakistani border, it is a significant city in India. The location is also famed for foods like Kaladi, and Kulthin di dal, which is created from locally cultivated legumes, amble, and other Dogri delights. The dense, eucalyptus-filled forest is Udhampur’s usual tourist draw. It is nestled in the Himalayas’ Shivalik range.

Udhampur to Kedarnath Distance

  1. Udhampur to Kedarnath distance is about 962 km by Road.
  2. Udhampur -> Jammu -> Ambala Cant JN -> Rishikesh (by Train) -> Guptkashi -> Kedarnath
  3. Udhampur (region) -> Jammu -> New Delhi -> Dehradun -> Kedarnath by Flight.

Udhampur to Kedarnath Distance on map

Means of Transport Facilities

1.    Udhampur to Kedarnath Distance -Road

  • Udhampur to Kedarnath distance and time duration referred to as 20h 10min by Taxi.
  • It is better to take the NH7 route by taxi to reach Kedarnath.

Udhampur > Rakh Sansooh > Dudwa > Tikri > Domel > JagtiBan > Nagrota > Sidhra > Jammu > Pathankot > Jalandhar > Ludhiyana > Ambala > Saharanpur > Rishikesh > Devprayag > Rudraprayag > Gaurikund > Kedarnath by Car.


Vehicle Route Time Taken Km
Taxi NH44 17h 48min 814km
Taxi NH54 19h 40min 913km


Vehicle Time Taken Km
Taxi 1h 3min 63.5 km

1.    Udhampur to Kedarnath Distance -Train

  • Udhampur to Kedarnath distance and time is 14h 35min.

Udhampur -> Jammu -> Pathankot Cantt -> Jalandhar Cant -> Ludhiyana JN -> Ambala Cant JN -> Bara -> Jagthri shop -> Yamuna nagar Jagadhri -> Saharanpur -> Roorkee -> Haridwar -> Rishikesh (by Train) -> Guptkashi -> Kedarnath by Helicopter service.

Train Line Time Taken Fare ₹
Jammu Mail 14034 1h 9min ₹100-600
Udhampur – Pathankot DEMU Express Special 04616 1h 14min ₹100-600

2.    Udhampur to Kedarnath Distance – Air

Udhampur to Kedarnath distance and duration is divided into two routes:

  • Udhampur (J&K) -> Jammu -> New Delhi -> Rishikesh, takes 6h 31min.
  • Udhampur -> Srinagar -> New Delhi -> Rishikesh where it takes 8h 31min.

Note: From Rishikesh take a taxi to travel to Guptkashi, for a Helicopter service to travel to Kedarnath. It can be booked online from the official website https://heliservices.uk.gov.in/

Weather in Kedarnath

  • Summertime has the nicest weather. Kedarnath’s emergence as a top tourist destination in May and June contributes to the nice atmosphere.
  • People choose not to visit Kedarnath during the monsoon since landslides frequently occur between late July and early September during that time.
  • There is a significant amount of snowfall during the winter. Kedarnath remains closed from November to April as a result.

Traveling Guidelines

  1. Please register for the Kedarnath Yatra online otherwise, you will not be permitted to visit Kedarnath Dham. You have the further option of offline registration in Dehradun, Rishikesh, and Haridwar.
  2. You should complete your registration beforehand if you plan to go trekking. With it now, you’ll be able to hike at the right time; but, once you’ve registered, you can do so, and although this could be a while.
  3. Food, water, oxygen, medical care, restrooms, and other amenities are available throughout the track for the convenience of the traveler.
  4. Before visitors start your trek to Kedarnath, bear in mind that you should leave on time in the day to arrive at the temple before evening.
  5. Just before traveling alone, a GPX file is advantageous to have (used to describe tracks, key points, and routes).


Q1. Which is the nearest railway station to Kedarnath?

A1. Rishikesh is the nearest railway station which is situated at a distance of about 208 km to reach Gaurikund and 16 km away from Kedarnath.

Q2. How much Taxi fare from Udhampur to Kedarnath?

A2. When you reach Gaurikund you may take to Palki, Horse Ride, Littering, etc may help you to travel that 16 km to Kedarnath.

  • Udhampur > Jammu (by Taxi) > Dehradun > Rishikesh (by Bus) > Rishikesh to Gaurikund (by Taxi)

Udhampur to Gaurikund

Vehicle Kilometers Fare ₹ Time Taken
Taxi 300km ₹7,739-10,982 18h 10min
Own Car 798.8km ₹7,636-11,029 (fuel cost) 12h 16min

Q3. Can we go to Kedarnath anytime?

A3. Never take the weather into consideration when traveling to Kedarnath as also the temple’s opening seasons, or the doors’ shutting times if you have to travel to Kedarnath.

Q4. Is it a good time to visit Kedarnath now?

A4. The best months to visit Kedarnath are May, June, September, and October because of its frigid environment for most of the year. Although to landslides in several locations along the Kedarnath trail, rainy seasons should be avoided.



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