Samastipur to kedarnath distance and journey.

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samastipur to Kedarnath distance & journey

Kedarnath is a popular pilgrimage destination in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. Kedarnath Temple is a renowned Hindu temple located in the Rudraprayag district. Kedarnath Temple is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas, considered the most sacred abodes of Lord Shiva. if you have no information about Samastipur to Kedarnath distance. so check out our page and start your journey.

Information about Samastipur:


samastipur is a city and Municipal Corporation in Bihar, India. It is an important area of the Samastipur district and located is Darbanga division. The Burhi Uganda River flows through the city. Agriculture is the primary occupation of the people in Samastipur. The region is known for its fertile soil and is a major producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, and vegetables.  The Samastipur junction is one of the busiest stations in north Bihar after Patna and Katihar.


Information about Kedarnath:

kedarnath temple

Kedarnath is a city in the Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand state. It is situated in the Garhwal Himalayas at an elevation of approximately 3,583 meters (11,755 feet) above sea level. Kedarnath temple is a Hindu temple roughly 1200 years old dedicated to Shiva. The temple is located in the Garhwal Himalayan range near the Mandakini River, in the state of Uttarakhand, India. Kedarnath is seen as a homogenous form of shiva, the ‘Lord of Kedarkhand’, the region’s historical name.


 samastipur to Kedarnath  distance by Train:

    Samastipur to Kedarnath distance by road, cannot be traveled entirely by train. Kedarnath Temple is located in the Garhwal Himalayan range and does not have a direct train connection.

To reach Kedarnath Temple, you can take a train from Samastipur Junction Railway Station to the nearest major railway station, which is Laksar Junction. Laksar is well-connected to various cities in India by train. By train, the distance between Samastipur and Laksar is approximately 1081 kilometers (373 miles).

After reaching Laksar, you would need to continue your journey to Kedarnath by road and foot. From Laksar, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Gaurikund, which is the base camp for Kedarnath. Gaurikund is about 258 kilometers  from laksar. From Gaurikund, you have to trek a distance of around 16 kilometers (10 miles) to reach the Kedarnath Temple.

train availability information about Samastipur to Kedarnath distance-


train(number) time duration fare

Amarnath Express(15653)

5:40AM – 2:58PM 21hr18min ₹510
CANTT Harihar Express(14523) 06:20AM – 05:08PM 22hr48min ₹520
Shaheed Express(14673) 10:50AM – 08:30PM 21hr40min ₹510

there are other trains available from samastipur to Dehradun, you can confirm time, duration and the fare to checkout at the IRCTC.COM .

  Samastipur to Kedarnath by Road:                

 Samastipur and Kedarnath’s distance is approximately 1,191 kilometers (740 miles) by road. The journey can take around 25-30 hours depending on the mode of transportation and the route taken. Alternatively, one can also travel by road from Samastipur to Kedarnath distance. The route passes through major cities such as Varanasi, Allahabad, and Haridwar. The journey can take around 24-26 hours depending on the traffic and road condition.

 General route by Samastipur to Kedarnath distance by road you can follow:

samastipur – Patna – Varanasi – prayagraj – lucknow – bareilly – haridwar – guarikund

You can travel by road from Haridwar to Gaurikund, which usually takes about 8-10 hours. From Gaurikund and finally, you’ll need to trek for around 16 kilometers (10 miles) to reach the Kedarnath temple.


 Samastipur to Kedarnath  distance by air:

 The distance between Samastipur to Kedarnath Temple, Uttarakhand, is approximately 800 kilometers (500 miles) by air. However, it’s important to note that Kedarnath does not have a dedicated airport. The nearest airport to Kedarnath is Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, which is approximately 238 kilometers (148 miles) away. From there, you would need to travel by road or helicopter to reach Kedarnath Temple. Helicopter services are commonly available during the pilgrimage season to facilitate transportation to and from Kedarnath.

flight availability information from patna to delhi to dehradun-


airline duration fare


04hr10min ₹5484


05hr25min ₹5484

there are other flight available from patna to dehradun, you can confirm the airline information to visit .

  • Some places to visit in Kedarnath:

  • Madmaheshwar temple
  • Bhiaravnath temple
  • Gaurikund
  • Vasuki tal mountain lake
  • Shankaracharya Samadhi


    It’s important to note that road conditions may vary depending on the weather and time of year. It’s advisable to check the current road conditions and weather forecasts before starting your journey. Also, make sure to carry sufficient food, water, warm clothing, and any necessary medications during the trip. The road journey from Samastipur to Kedarnath Temple is not only a means of transportation but also an opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Himalayas and experience the spiritual aura of the region.

common FAQs for Samastipur to Kedarnath distance & journey

Q1: How can I travel from Samastipur to Kedarnath?
A1: The most convenient way to travel from Samastipur to Kedarnath is to take a combination of train and road. You can take a train from Samastipur Junction to Haridwar, which is the nearest railway station to Kedarnath. From Haridwar, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to Gaurikund, the base camp for the Kedarnath trek.

Q2: How long does it take to travel from Samastipur to Kedarnath?
A2: The total travel time can vary depending on the mode of transportation you choose and the traffic conditions. On average, it takes around 24 to 30 hours to reach Kedarnath from Samastipur.

Q3: Can I drive from Samastipur to Kedarnath?
A3: Yes, you can drive from Samastipur to Kedarnath. The distance between Samastipur and Kedarnath is approximately 950 kilometers, and the journey takes around 20 to 25 hours, depending on the route and road conditions. It is recommended to have a reliable vehicle, plan your route, and be prepared for a long and challenging drive through hilly terrain.

Q4: Are there any direct flights from Samastipur to Kedarnath?
A4: No, there are no direct flights from Samastipur to Kedarnath. The nearest airport to Kedarnath is the Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun. You can take a flight from Patna (the nearest major airport to Samastipur) to Dehradun and then continue the journey by road to Kedarnath.

thank you 

auther – Deepak kohli

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