Bijnor to Kedarnath Distance

Bijnor to kedarnath distance, Distance between bijnor to kedarnath

Bijnor to Kedarnath Distance

Are you planning a wonderful  trip from  bijnor to kedarnath . Here is all information about bijnor to kedarnath distance  by our travel blog.

About Bijnor

Bijnor is a city located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is situated in the western part of the state, near the border with Uttarakhand. Bijnor is known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and agricultural significance.Bijnor to Kedarnath Distance

Bijnor is home to several religious and cultural landmarks. The Shri Gauri Shankar Temple, Jama Masjid, and the holy shrine of Nishan-e-Pir Baba are popular places of worship.

The city celebrates various festivals with enthusiasm, including Diwali, Eid, Holi, and Muharram.

About Kedarnath

Kedarnath is a town or temple of lord shiva which is situated in Rudraprayag district of uttrakhand, india.  It is situated in the Himalayas at an altitude of about 3,583 meters (11,755 feet) above sea level.

Kedarnath is famous for its ancient Hindu temple, the Kedarnath Temple, which is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas (divine representations of Lord Shiva) in India.


The Kedarnath Temple holds great religious significance for Hindus and attracts thousands of pilgrims each year. It is believed to have been built by Adi Shankaracharya in the 8th century and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple is located amidst stunning natural beauty, surrounded by snow-capped peaks and breathtaking landscapes.

Bijnor to Kedarnath Distance

The distance between Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, and Kedarnath, Uttarakhand, can vary depending on the route taken. The most common route is via Roorkee, Haridwar, and Rudraprayag. The approximate driving distance is around 325 kilometers (202 miles).

However, please note that Kedarnath is located in the high Himalayas, and the last stretch of the journey involves trekking or using mules/palakis (traditional mountain transport). The road distance mentioned above only covers the distance until Gaurikund, the last motorable point.

From Gaurikund, you would need to trek a distance of approximately 16 kilometers (10 miles) to reach Kedarnath temple. The trekking duration can vary depending on your pace and fitness level.

Bijnor to kedarnath distance by bus

The approximate distance by road from Bijnor to Gaurikund, which is the nearest motorable point to Kedarnath, is around 360 kilometers. You can take a bus from Bijnor to Haridwar or Rishikesh, which are major transportation hubs in Uttarakhand. From there, you will need to hire a local taxi or shared jeep to reach Gaurikund.

Bus Name  Ticket Price  Time Duration  Bus From 
UPSRTC ₹153 Starts from  3 Hours 30 minute  Bijnor to Haridwar and Rishikesh 

Please note that road conditions, availability of transportation, and travel times can vary depending on various factors, so it’s advisable to check the current transportation options and timings before planning your journey. 

 Bijnor to Kedarnath distance by Train


Train No/Name Departure/Source Station Travel Time Fare/Classes

14041 / Mussoorie Express


Bijnor BGO

3:00AM / Bijnor



6 Hours 3 minute


SL-­₹145, 3A-₹505

Note: book your train ticket by visiting official website IRCTC 

Bijnor to Kedarnath Distance by road

The distance between Bijnor and Kedarnath by road is approximately 426 kilometers (265 miles).

  1. Start from Bijnor and head north on NH119.
  2. Continue on NH119 and merge onto NH334.
  3. Follow NH334 and continue on NH334B.
  4. Continue on NH334B until you reach Haridwar.
  5. From Haridwar, take the NH7 and drive towards Rishikesh.
  6. In Rishikesh, take the NH58 and continue towards Rudraprayag.
  7. In Rudraprayag, take the road towards Guptkashi.
  8. From Guptkashi, continue on the Gaurikund Road to reach Gaurikund.
  9. Finally, from Gaurikund, you can trek or hire a local vehicle to reach Kedarnath

It’s important to plan your journey well in advance, considering weather conditions, transportation availability, and any restrictions or guidelines imposed by the local authorities.

FAQs about Bijnor to Kedarnath Distance

Q: What is the distance between Bijnor and Kedarnath?

A: The distance between Bijnor, located in Uttar Pradesh, India, and Kedarnath, situated in Uttarakhand, India, is approximately 410 kilometers (255 miles).

Q: How long does it take to travel from Bijnor to Kedarnath?

A: The travel time from Bijnor to Kedarnath can vary depending on the mode of transportation and the route taken. Generally, it takes around 12 to 16 hours to reach Kedarnath from Bijnor by road, including the time required for rest stops and traffic conditions. If you choose to travel by helicopter, the duration can be significantly shorter, usually around 1 to 2 hours, depending on weather conditions and availability of helicopter services.

Q: Are there any train services available from Bijnor to Kedarnath?

A: There are no direct train services from Bijnor to Kedarnath. The nearest railway station to Kedarnath is Rishikesh Railway Station, located in Uttarakhand. From Rishikesh, you can continue your journey to Kedarnath by road or by other means of transportation.

Q: Are there direct buses from Bijnor to Kedarnath?

A: Direct buses from Bijnor to Kedarnath may not be available. However, you can take a bus from Bijnor to Haridwar, and from Haridwar, there are regular bus services to Gaurikund, the base camp for Kedarnath. From Gaurikund, you can trek or hire a local vehicle to reach Kedarnath.


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