Charaideo to Kedarnath Distance 2518 km & complete travel route

Charaideo to Kedarnath Distance

Charaideo to Kedarnath Distance

About Kedarnath:


Kedarnath temple

Kedarnath is a  temple located in the Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand. Established by Adiguru Shankaracharya in the 8th century, this temple is dedicated to lord Shiva. It is above 86 km from Rudraprayag district headquarters.

Elevation 3,583m
Weather 2.4ºC
District Rudraprayag
Named for Kedarnath Temple

Charaideo (Assam):

Charaideo Maidams

Charaideo is a district of Assam. This district with a population of 4,71,418 is famous for its Maidams. Charaideo also known as the Pyramids of Assam. If you are planning for Kedarnath Yatra so get ready for the one of the best trip.

Elevation 89.6m
Weather 33ºC
State Assam

 Charaideo to Kedarnath distance:

Charaideo to Gaurikund Distance

Charaideo to Kedarnath
Distance by road
Charaideo to Kedarnath
Distance by Air
Charaideo to Kedarnath
Distance by train
Charaideo to Kedarnath
Distance travel time by road

 Charaideo to Kedarnath distance travel:

Charaideo to Kedarnath distance travel by road-

Gaurikund is the last place close to Kedarnath as far as vehicles go. Charaideo  to Kedarnath distance is 2518 km by road. It takes approximately 53hr to reach Gaurikund from Charaideo. And the distance between Gaurikund to Kedarnath Temple is 15.4 km, which is a trekking route.

How to reach Gaurikund from Charaideo by Road

  •  Charaideo – Rowta (8hr 10min) NH 715
  • Rowta – Pathsala (3hr) NH 127A
  • Pathsala – Lucknow (23hr) NH 731
  • Lucknow – Bareli (13hr 5min) NH 31
  • Bareli – Rishikesh (6hr) NH 9
  • Rishikesh – Gaurikund (6hr 48min) NH 7

Reach Charaideo to Kedarnath by Air?

There are no direct flights from Charaideo to Kedarnath, and the closest Airport to Charaideo is Mohanbari Airport (Dibrugarh). so firstly, you will have to take a flight from Dibrugarh to New Delhi.

Flight from Mohanbari to New Delhi Flight Departure Arrival Fare
1. Indigo 09:55 01:10 ₹7335
2. Vistara 12:35 16:90 ₹7853
3. Air India 13:35 22:35 ₹7951

Note: If you want to book your flight, visit this website;

From New Delhi, you will have to take flights for Dehradun Jolly Grant. Flight Departure Arrival Fare
1. Vistara 13:50 14:45 ₹3261
2. Indigo 6:35 7:30 ₹3433
3. Alliance Air 13:25 14:35 ₹4169

Note: from Dehradun, you can either go by train to Rishikesh Railway Station and take a bus from there, or you can take a direct Gaurikund bus from Dehradun.

How to reach Charaideo to Kedarnath by Train

The nearest Railway station from Charaideo is Simaluguri Junction Railway Station, and the nearest Railway station from Kedarnath is Yog Nagri Rishikesh. There is no direct train from Charaideo to Rishikesh.

Train from Simaluguri to Delhi: Train Departure Arrival Fare
1. Avadh Assam Express 12:54 15:55

(51hr 1min)


Delhi to Rishikesh Train Train Departure Arrival Fare
1. Yoga Exp. 05:05 12:25

(7hr 20min)

2. Utkal Exp. 13:20 21:50

(08hr 30min)


From Rishikesh, you can book a private cab or you can travel to Gaurikund by bus.

Reach Charaideo to Kedarnath by bus:

The nearest bus station to Charaideo is Sonari, and the closest bus station to Kedarnath is Gaurikund.

Bus from Sonari to Guwahati. Train Departure Arrival Fare
1. Akin Travels Express 07:30 17:45 ₹749
2. Baikuntha Travels Express 17:30 05:30 ₹699

Bus from Guwahati to Siliguri Bus Departure Arrival Fare
1. Rayan tour and Travels 18:30 06:00 ₹800
2. Nirvana tour and Travels 18:45 06:00 ₹900

Bus from Siliguri to Lucknow Bus Departure Arrival Fare
1. JGD Travels Pvt.  20:00 21:00

(1 day)

2. JDG Travel Pvt. 21:00 22:00

(1 day)


 Bus from Lucknow to Rishikesh Bus Departure Arrival Fare
1. Shri Krishna tour and Travels 18:10 06:05 ₹1199
2. Shri Krishna tour and Travels 19:00 07:00 ₹1399

 Visit this site for booking a bus –

Other Places to visit near Kedarnath:

  • Chopta
  • Tungnath
  • Deoriatal
  • Guptkashi

 Best time for the trip to Kedarnath from Charaideo

The time to visit Kedarnath is from the middle of April to October. Temperature gradually decreases with light rain in Kedarnath temple during the change of monsoon. So months of July to September are appropriate after the monsoon is over, to visit Kedarnath.


Travel tips for Charaideo to Kedarnath Yatra:

  • Carry warm clothes for Kedarnath Yatra.
  • Must take water bottle, and medicines with you.
  • Carry lightweight luggage with you as the trekking route to Kedarnath 15km.
  • Take a raincoat or umbrella with you because the weather here can change anytime.



Q1. Is any Airport is closer to Charaideo?
A1. The Mohanbari Airport is the closest airport to Charaideo.

Q2. What is the distance between Charaideo to Kedarnath Temple?
A2. Charaideo to Kedarnath Distance by road is above 2518 km.

 Q3. Is there a direct flight from Charaideo to Kedarnath temple?
A3.No, there is no direct flight from Charaideo to Kedarnath. You can take a flight from Mohanbari Airport(Assam)  to New Delhi, and the you take a flight from New Delhi to Jolly Grant (Dehradun).

Q4. Which is the nearest bus station to Kedarnath?
A4. Gaurikund is the nearest bus station to Kedarnath.



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