Surya Dev Aarti

Surya dev Aarti

About Surya Dev Aarti

Surya Dev Aarti is a Hindu ritual in which light is offered to the sun god as a form of worship and reverence. In Hinduism, the sun is considered a symbol of truth, knowledge, and enlightenment, and performing the surya dev ki aarti is believed to help individuals seek these qualities in their own lives. The aarti typically involves chanting mantras and hymns, offering flowers and other offerings, and waving a lamp or other light source in front of the sun. It is typically performed at sunrise or sunset and may be performed by priests or by individual devotees.

Importance of Surya dev aarti:

Surya, also known as the sun god, is an important deity in Hinduism. Aarti is a Hindu ritual in which light is offered to a deity as a form of reverence and worship. The importance of surya dev ki aarti, therefore, lies in its ability to help devotees offer their respect and devotion to the sun god. In Hinduism, the sun is considered a symbol of truth, knowledge, and enlightenment, and performing the surya dev ki aarti is believed to help individuals seek these qualities in their own lives. It is also a way for devotees to show their gratitude to the sun for providing warmth, light, and life to the earth.

When to do Surya dev aarti?

surya dev ki aarti is typically performed at sunrise or sunset when the sun is at its lowest point in the sky. These times are considered to be particularly auspicious for offering prayers and worship to the sun god, as they are seen as moments of transition between the day and the night. Some devotees may also choose to perform surya bhagwan ki aarti at other times of the day, depending on their personal beliefs and schedules. Ultimately, the decision of when to perform the aarti is up to the individual devotee and can be based on their personal preferences and spiritual practices.

What priests do during surya bhagwan ki aarti?

During Surya Dev Aarti, priests typically follow a set of rituals and procedures that are designed to honor and worship the sun god. These rituals may include chanting mantras and hymns, offering flowers and other offerings, and waving a lamp or other light source in front of the sun. The priests may also use other sacred objects, such as a bell or a conch shell, to create a sense of reverence and devotion. The specific details of the aarti will vary depending on the particular traditions and practices of the temple or community in which it is being performed.

What products do we need for Surya Dev Aarti?

To perform surya bhagwan ki aarti, you will typically need a few basic items, such as a lamp or other light source, flowers, and incense. You may also need other items, depending on the specific traditions and practices of the temple or community in which you are performing the aarti. For example, you may need a bell or a conch shell to create a sense of reverence and devotion. You may also need a copy of the aarti hymns or mantras if you wish to chant them during the ritual. Overall, the specific products you will need for Surya Dev Aarti will depend on the particular traditions and practices you follow.

Surya Dev Aarti:

Om Jai Surya Bhagwan, Jai Ho Dinkar Bhagwan।
Jagat Ke Netra Swaroopa, Tum Ho Triguna Swaroopa।
Dharat Saba Hi Tab Dhyan, Om Jai Surya Bhagwan॥
॥ Om Jai Surya Bhagwan…॥
Sarathi Arun Hai Prabhu Tum, Shwet Kamaladhari। Tum Char Bhuja Dhari॥
Ashwa Hai Sath Tumharey, Koti Kirana Pasarey। Tum Ho Dev Mahan॥
॥ Om Jai Surya Bhagwan…॥

Usha Kal Mein Jab Tum, Udayachal Aate। Sab Tab Darshan Patey॥
Phailatey Ujiyara, Jagata Tab Jag Sara। Karke Sab Tab Gungan॥
॥ Om Jai Surya Bhagwan…॥

Sandhya Mein Bhuvaneshvar, Astachal Jate। Godhan Tab Ghar Aate॥
Godhuli Bela Mein, Har Ghar Har Angan Main। Ho Tav Mahima Gaan॥
॥ Om Jai Surya Bhagwan…॥

Dev Danuj Nar Naari, Rishi Munivar Bhajate। Aditya Hriday Japate॥
Strot Ye Mangalakari, Isaki Hai Rachana Nyari। De Nav Jeevanadan॥
॥ Om Jai Surya Bhagwan…॥

Tum Ho Trikal Rachiyata, Tum Jag Ke Adhar। Mahima Tab Aparampar॥
Pranon Ka Sinchan Karake, Bhakton Ko Apane Dete। Bal Braddhi Aur Gyan॥
॥ Om Jai Surya Bhagwan…॥

Bhoochar Jalchar Khechar, Sab Ke Ho Pran Tumhi। Sab Jeevo Ke Pran Tumhi॥
Ved Puran Bhakhane, Dharm Sabhi Tumhen Maney। Tum Hi Sarv Shaktiman॥
॥ Om Jai Surya Bhagwan…॥

Pujan Karti Dishayein, Pujey Sabdikpal। Tum Bhuvno Ke Pratipal॥
Rituyain Tumhari Dasi, Tum Shashta Avinashi। Shubhkari Anshuman॥
॥ Om Jai Surya Bhagwan…॥

Om Jai Surya Bhagwan, Jai Ho Dinkar Bhagwan।
Jagat Ke Netra Swaroopa, Tum Ho Triguna Swaroopa।
Dharat Saba Hi Tab Dhyan, Om Jai Surya Bhagwan॥
॥ Om Jai Surya Bhagwan…॥


In conclusion, Surya Dev Aarti is a Hindu ritual in which light is offered to the sun god as a form of worship and reverence. This aarti is typically performed at sunrise or sunset and may involve chanting mantras and hymns, offering flowers and other offerings, and waving a lamp or other light source in front of the sun. The importance of surya bhagwan ki aarti lies in its ability to help devotees connect with the sun god and seek truth, knowledge, and enlightenment in their own lives. It is also a way for devotees to show their gratitude to the sun for providing warmth, light, and life to the earth.

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