Hessonite Garnet Gemstone – Facts and Benefits

Hessonite Garnet Gemstone

Hessonite Garnet (Gomedh) Gemstone

The Hessonite Garnet Gemstone, also known as Gomedh, is a variety of Grossular Garnet, a mineral belonging to the Garnet family. Its name derives from the Greek word “Hesson – meaning inferior,” highlighting its unique coloration compared to other Garnets. It is renowned for its stunning reddish-brown color.

Hessonite Garnet Gemstone

With its warm and earthy tones, this gem captivates the beholder. Hessonite Garnet is believed to possess unique qualities, such as enhancing courage and passion within individuals. Its exquisite beauty is a timeless symbol of strength and vitality. Whether adorning jewelry or decorating your collection, Hessonite Garnet is sure to leave a lasting impression with its captivating charm and energizing aura.

Hessonite Garnets are primarily found in Sri Lanka, but they can also be sourced from India, Brazil, Tanzania, and Canada. Sri Lanka, blessed with rich gemstone deposits, has been a prominent source of Hessonite Garnets for centuries, captivating gem enthusiasts and spiritual seekers alike

Price – ₹ 125 per carat (2 $) to as far as ₹ 4,600 per carat (70 $).

Origin of Hessonite Garnet Gemstones

The origin of Hessonite Garnet gemstones can be traced back to the picturesque island of Sri Lanka where they are mainly found. Renowned for its gem-rich soil and vibrant mining industry, Sri Lanka is the primary birthplace of these fascinating gems. Over millions of years, geological processes and the interaction of heat, pressure, and mineral-rich fluids deep in the Earth’s mantle contribute to the formation of hessonite garnets. These gems belong to the Grossular Garnet family, and their striking colors, ranging from honey yellow to deep orange-brown, are the result of the presence of trace elements such as iron and manganese during their formation.

Subject to the transforming forces of the earth’s crust, these gemstones gradually approach the surface, waiting to be discovered by skilled miners and gem cutters. The mining of hessonite garnets requires careful mining techniques to ensure their natural beauty and integrity are preserved. After the gem-bearing rocks have been carefully extracted from the designated quarries, they undergo sorting and purification processes to separate the gems from the surrounding materials.

Hessonite Garnet Gemstone

Skilled gem cutters then use their expertise to cut, shape and polish the gems to reveal their inner brilliance and maximize their visual appeal. Although Sri Lanka remains the leading source of hessonite garnets, these beautiful gems can also be found in other parts of the world. Countries like India, Brazil, Tanzania, and Canada contribute to the global supply of Hessonite shells, increasing the range and availability of these heavenly treasures.

The origin of hessonite garnet gemstones is a testament to the extraordinary geological processes and beauty found deep within the earth. From its origin in the mineral-rich soils of Sri Lanka to its journey through the mining, drilling, and cutting of gemstones, hessonite garnets represent the harmonious collaboration of the forces of nature and human craftsmanship. When we embrace these gems, we not only appreciate their unique beauty but also connect to the wonders of our planet and the extraordinary journey each stone undergoes before becoming a precious gem.

How to wear Hessonite Garnet Gemstones

To prepare a ring/pendant for wearing, place it on the bottom of a metal bowl and add in the order:

Hessonite Garnet Gemstone

1. Ganga Jal
2. Tulsi Leaves (Indian Basil)
3. Raw cow’s milk
4. Honey
5. Ghee (clarified butter)

Recite the Mantra 108 times to charge the ring

“Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroom Sah Rahvey Namah”

Keep the ring/pendant in the tray for 5-10 minutes, then immediately take it out of the tray, clean it with water, and wear it.

Benefits of Hessonite Garnet Gemstones

There are several benefits of wearing the Hessonite Garnet Gemstone but few common among them are:

  1. Increased Income – The Hessonite garnet gemstone helps in the obtainment of wealth if Rahu is placed appreciatively in the native’s horoscope. Incoming monetary earnings from different sources are one of the numerous given benefits of wearing gemstones.
  2. Advanced Position and Power – It’s believed that when Rahu occupies a favorable position in an existent’s horoscope, a person can impact public opinion in his favor. Wearing it’s therefore considered to be immensely profitable for people working in public relations, political positions, commissioning trades and event operations.
  3. Creativity, Clarity and Confidence – Hessonite gemstone is particularly good for people who are prone to fear, anxiety or stress in day to day lives. It helps in disbanding confusion, timidness and fear from the minds, thereby perfecting the internal attention and focus of the wearer.
  4. Gastric, Respiratory and Mental Health – One of the positive goods of wearing gemstones is the steady relief from diseases like Indigestion, Asthma and Anxiety, etc.

Hessonite Garnet Gemstone

Suitable Zodiac of Hessonite Garnet Gemstones

Hessonite Garnet gemstones are like special friends for different zodiac signs. If you’re an Aries, it can boost your courage and leadership. Leos can feel more confident and creative with Hessonite Garnet. Scorpios can find emotional healing and inner power. Capricorns can get support for their goals and stay balanced. Aquarians can improve their communication and seek knowledge. And for dreamy Pisces, it helps with intuition and imagination. But remember anyone, can enjoy the positive energy of these gemstones, so trust your own feelings when choosing one!



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