Palm Tree
Palm Tree

You must visit this Ancient Naag Devta Temple.

Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Omkar Ratneshwar Temple, Uttarakhand

This temple is dedicated to Nag Devta

Inside the temple there is a lingam with a copper coiled around it resembling a Nag (snake).

4,000 Years Old Temple.

Hike the Big Island

Must Do:

Palm Leaf
Green Leaf

Be sure to pack


Hiking Boots

A Good Camera


Warm Clothes


Hiking Boots


If you really want to hike and adventure to see the real sights of the Big Island, you will want to be prepared.

A Good Camera


You’re going to want more than what your average phone camera can capture. These are going to be photos of a lifetime.

Warm Clothes


Weather can be fickle here. If you plan to hike all day, make sure to be prepared with a set of warmer layers in a backpack.

Snorkeling in Maui

Must Do: